Sunday, December 14, 2008

I am: graduate student radical wannabe foodie truth seeker ambitious hungry practical loving honest needy observant community driven hardworking lazy discouraged enthusiastic

Being so many things at once makes it hard to be sure if you’re spending your time right. Should I plant some garlic, memorize microeconomic proofs, research rural poverty in forestry dependent communities, clean my house, have sex, watch awful tv shows online, make breakfast/lunch/dinner/desert/snack, go on a bike ride, have a drink with a friend, do yoga, study econometrics, or chase after the chickens in the back yard?

A few of those items take up more time than I would like. I’ll let you guess which ones those are. But I’m in it for the long haul right? I want real social change. I want my friends and neighbors to feel empowered and excited about the lives they lead, whether that may be knitting your child a scarf or playing in a punk rock band. My vision for this blog is to create a community space to bounce off awesome ideas and inspire each other to take on creative projects that better our relationships and society at large.


1 comment:

stacy j said...

I'm really excited about this blog. I just had a mini-orgasm actually. I would love to write more now but I am at work. Coming from one board meeting in a completely corporate and government setting, in which I am a Board Member, trying to figure out what I am doing there and if this organization will really accopmlish anything, and what is everyones agenda. And getting ready for the next board meeting, at which I will be the founding director, distributing my responsibilities to the board so I can travel the country for 3 1/2 months!! rock on...